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The planet and the conferences are running out

In a world where we need to reduce pollution and make urgent changes, do Climate Conferences offer us a solution? I am Alejandro Luque, a 19-year-old from Guayaquil, Ecuador. I define myself as an activist and artist who is passionate about art, culture, environmental conservation, education, people's rights, and mental health. 


Since 2016, I have had many problems with my mental health; and I realized that environmental damage significantly altered my emotions and well-being. In 2018, I became an activist and started to do research about the environment, education, and mental health. I have even motivated my family and friends and convinced them to change their thoughts about reuse and waste management. I have always felt very connected to the planet and all the beings living on it.  


In 2021, I transformed my social networks to educate my community on these topics. In addition, I started a podcast, where I interview experts to talk about education, the environment, and mental health. In the same year, I joined the Major Group of Children and Youth with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP-MGCY), where I collaborated in consultations and processes for youth in Latin American and around the world, as well as being part of the Youth Environment Assembly. 


My experience with U-Report Ecuador started back in 2020, at a moment when I was looking forward to being part of a youth community where my voice could be heard. When I found U-Report, I immediately connected with the youth participation processes they constantly promote inside and outside the country. With them, I have been able to collaborate in focus groups and national and regional surveys on education, safety, environment, and mental health. Likewise, with the help of U-Report, I had the opportunity to be part of the national consultation for the Stockholm+50 Conference and bring the voices of youth to this high-level event. 


This 2022, U-Report has a new climate change survey focused on COP27. But what is COP? Well, COP stands for the Conference of Parties. It is the decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The COP happens every year to assess the progress that countries are making to tackle climate change.  


With the global consultation that U-Report is running, the voices of youth will reach the 27th edition of the COP, which will be held in Egypt, so we can all be on the same page and work together to bring solutions to save the planet. Now, in addition to showing us at what level of climate catastrophe we are, the COP has also become an opportunity where some participants go to take a photo, talk and return back to their countries. This has to change! So let's unite our voices through this global consultation and force decision-makers to take real actions because, at this rate, the planet and the conferences are running out. Send "COP27" on U-Report and share your opinions now! 



Written by: Alejandro Luque (19), U-Reporter from Ecuador

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