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Join U-Report, UNICEF's digital community for young people, by young people. Your voice matters.
U-Report available on Facebook Messenger!
U-Report has integrated Messenger to expand the reach of this real-time social messaging tool: a project designed to empower people and communities to speak out on issues that they care about, encourage citizen-led development, respond to humanitarian emergencies, and magnify voices globally to create positive change. U-Report is currently live in 22 countries and has already engaged more than 2 million young people around the world to speak out and achieve social change.

Introducing Messenger as a U-Report channel will significantly help us connect with people in their medium of choice, giving that U-Report aims to be an available program for young people and communities everywhere, regardless of the channel they wish to use to respond polls and voice on issues that affect them. With this new channel, U-Report is now available through SMS, Twitter, Telegram, App and Facebook Messenger.

To become a U-Reporter via messenger there a few entry points available:
1) Message us directly in our U-Report global facebook fan page, or...
2) Click on "message us" button in ureport.in, or....
3) Look for "U-Report Global" directly in messenger and message us.

Or simply click on the link below and send us a message to get started: https://www.messenger.com/t/ureportglobal

Any of these will do!

With this new channel, we'll be able detect emergencies in time, alert vulnerable people on how to protect themselves in emergencies once they become U-Reporters through messenger, work with community perspectives on global goals, and improve transparency and accountability by amplifying the perceptions of real people when development agencies and governments are trying to understand if the goals for say, gender equity, or access to water, are really being met.

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.